The Upholstery Shop is a beehive of activity, with projects constantly rotating in and out of our facility. When a client requests an upholstery project to be done, a fabric is quoted, selected, and ordered. Our upholsterers carefully evaluate the project to determine the amount of fabric needed so as not to create waste and to keep the client from overspending on unnecessary material. However, excess fabric often remains at the completion of an upholstery project. Our department has a specific plan to manage this excess.
If less than two yards of a fabric remains after a project, we consider that to be scrap fabric as it is not enough material to use on any future projects. But, if over two yards remain, the client is notified and given two options:  the material can be tagged and stored for future use or the client can seek to move forward with another project using the remnant. We tag the excess fabric with the department’s information and store it for up to two years. The fabric is inventoried on a quarterly basis and any fabric stored for over two years is once again brought to the attention of the department. At that time, the department can choose to store the fabric in their space for future projects or choose to release the fabric for use on other University projects.