Upholstery Projects – Get a Jump on the Competition!

Many of you already know what a talented upholstery team we have here at UA. From making office furniture look like new again, to replacing the ripped vinyl on your favorite piece of gym equipment, to revamping the waiting room area at the medical clinic, there’s not much here on campus that our team can’t handle. What you may not know is that as classes wind down for the summer, the demand for upholstery projects heats up.

If you’ve been considering submitting an upholstery project and would like it completed this summer, the time to act is now. Submit a Design Request Form today and let our team help you pick that perfect pattern to help make your office furniture the envy of all your peers!

What’s that? You’d love to make that outdated furniture look like new again, but it’s just not in your budget this year? Don’t despair, fill out that Design Request Form anyway and let us show you some of the many surplus fabrics we have on hand that are free to a good home.

Still not sure if an upholstery project is right for you? Still not sure how the process works? Give us a call at 348-6508 and we’ll be happy to answer any questions you might have.