Category: News

Chair Lab

The Furnishings and Design Chair Lab has three additions to our product offering, expanding our selection of big and tall seating options for faculty and staff.  Please visit our website to make an appointment in the Chair Lab: We hope to see you soon!

Concur Reports

Are you a Concur Org approver? If so, you may receive a Concur report titled “Furnishings & Design.” Our office generally places orders for requested furniture items for campus, pays for the item using our P-Card, then allocates the charges in Concur to the FOAPAL provided by the client. Due to the fact that many…

A New Look for Old Furniture

The University of Alabama Student Center has recently begun to update common area furniture with the assistance of the Furnishings and Design Upholstery Shop.  The benches were reupholstered with durable vinyl fabrics that provide an attractive appearance and cleanable surface rated for high traffic commercial spaces.   The newly upholstered benches have been placed in front…

Ruby Tyler Services Building Renovations

A renovation for Ruby Tyler Services Building was completed in February 2022, including construction and furniture. Ruby Tyler Services Building honors Dr. Tyler as one of the 50 doctors on staff when the new Druid City Hospital (DCH) opened in 1952. In addition to this prestige, she was the only female doctor on staff at…

Employee Resource Center Renovations

The Employee Resource Center is comprised of three departments that provide education and support services to faculty and staff. The three departments include Learning and Development, Uniform Management, and Wellness and Work-Life. The renovation consisted of repainting the facility and installing graphics for way finding and enhancement of spaces. Many of the graphic images include…

Hewson Hall

Hewson Hall was completed in August 2021, including all construction and furniture.  The work began in March 2020 to provide a transformative addition to the business school complex.  The 106,000 square- foot building will provide classroom and office space to accommodate growth in both students and faculty.  About 2/3 of the building will be dedicated…

Year End: New Project Deadlines

In anticipation of the fiscal year drawing to a close, we want to encourage the campus community to utilize our resources to assist in furniture selections, reupholstery needs, and chair lab requests.  Design Request Forms (DRFs) and Chair Lab Forms that are year-end specific must be submitted to the F&D office no later than the…

Limited Funds?

In this time of fiscal awareness, Furnishings and Design has the capability to provide like new furniture from our campus inventory.  In addition to this added benefit, the upholstery shop has an inventory of fabrics in limited patterns and colorways readily available for use on your project.  These are great opportunities to utilize our resources…

Math and Science Education Building Renovation

The Math and Science Education Building Renovation was completed in January 2021, including all construction and furniture.  The work began in January 2020 to renovate the main building including improvements to the Auditorium.  The 95,635 square- foot renovation supports the relocation of the Math Technology Learning Center (MTLC) and accommodates introductory laboratories for Physics, Astronomy,…

Project Highlight: Capstone College of Nursing Addition

The Capstone College of Nursing Addition was completed in December 2020, including all construction and furniture.  The work began in January 2020 to provide a three-story addition to the west side of the existing facility that was reflected in the 2017 Master Plan.  The 32,000 square- foot addition entails two 150-seat multi-use classrooms, individual study…
