Plans for the summer?

It is that time of year again, when the weather starts getting warmer and everyone starts making plans for their summer vacations. Seasoned travelers will tell you that to maximize the fun and reduce the risk of your plans not coming together as you hoped, it is best to start planning early. The same good advice can be applied to summer office moves and furniture purchases. As the students are finishing up their finals and heading out of town for the summer, that’s when campus construction, and all the furniture purchases that go with it, hit full stride based on months of prior planning and coordination.

Unlike residential furniture, commercial furniture is made to specification based on the clients’ needs and as a result, typically takes 8 weeks to be manufactured. In addition, due to the high furniture volume during the summer months, scheduling the delivery and installation can also take a couple of weeks from the time the furniture is manufactured. Now factor in a couple of weeks on the front end for one of our talented interior designers to help you pick out the furniture that works best for your needs and you can see how this process can easily exceed three months.

So if you are planning an office face-lift or redesign of furniture for this summer, be sure to fill out your Design Request Form before March 9, 2018 to receive priority.