Extra Help for Upholstery Shop

Each month, the Upholstery Shop completes over a dozen projects. Some of these are simple fixes that only take an hour or two to finish, while others are a part of much larger projects that require hundreds of hours of work over many weeks. This keeps our two upholsterers very busy in order to meet the needs of our growing campus. We are happy to welcome a third upholsterer to our staff. Her name is Stephanie Lewis, and she comes to UA with nine years of experience.

Now that our available work hours have increased by over 50%, we expect our turnaround time to diminish greatly over the coming months. This will be especially beneficial as we head into the summer, which happens to be the Upholstery Shop’s busiest season. If your department has furniture in need of repair, please fill out a Design Request Form and we will be happy to work on your project!