• November 11th, 2019
  • in News

When purchasing furniture through our department, whether it is a task chair, guest chairs, or a desk, your furniture comes with a manufacturer warranty. This warranty covers nearly 4c8afd06-6a6b-4b33-8879-7face2b973c1.pnganything you could encounter with your furniture for a specified duration of time. While these timeframes vary based on manufacturer and the type of furniture, the typical length of coverage is anywhere from 3 to 10 years from the time of purchase. If your furniture is damaged and needs to be evaluated, we will coordinate for the furniture dealer or manufacturer to conduct an on-site visit. This will eliminate the possibility of voiding the warranty, resulting in a cost to proceed with repairs or replacement. If you experience any type of issue with your piece(s) of furniture, contact furnishings@fa.ua.edu and let us look into your warranty to see if we can have repairs covered at no cost.