This year has been a busy year for capital projects, and August saw the completion of the Ferguson Center renovation and expansion. Mary Kathryn Holt was the lead interior designer, who gave new life to an outdated student center originally completed in 1973. With Fresh Food moving to its own stand-alone building, the Ferguson Food court was substantially expanded. The food court now houses Wendy’s, Panda Express, Chick-fil-a, Topios, Union Market, Subway, and Auntie Anne’s pretzels along with a larger food court to accommodate a rising number of students.
A spacious lounge area with soaring ceilings and bright skylights invites students to sit by dual fireplaces in gorgeous lounge seating.
Several University departments also saw complete renovations and were given new space in the Ferg including The Career Center, The Center for Sustainable Service and Volunteerism, Fraternity and Sorority Life, Student Government Association, Student Involvement and Leadership, and University Programs. A total of 75,000 square feet were added in the expansion, and almost every aspect of the Ferguson interiors was upgraded including the Supe Store, dated staircases, and a new façade for the outside of the building giving it a traditional University of Alabama feel. Stop by the Ferguson Center to see what F&D has been up to this year!