[ua_image_boxes title=”UA Upholstery Shop Makes Masks” url=”https://www.ua.edu/news/2020/04/ua-upholstery-shop-makes-masks-for-employees-working-on-campus/” alt_text=”Susan Brothers stitches a mask.” bg_color=”” type=”horizontal” bordered=”true” clickable=”true” centered=”false” image=”https://furnishingsanddesign.ua.edu/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/Upholstery-Shop_mask-making.jpg”]
In an effort to keep UA employees safe, the furnishings and design department’s upholstery shop is making protective masks for those who are currently working on campus during limited business operations.[/ua_image_boxes]
[ua_image_boxes title=”Gorgas Library Renovation Updates” url=”https://apps.lib.ua.edu/blogs/renovations/” alt_text=”Gorgas Library Renovation News” bg_color=”” type=”horizontal” bordered=”true” clickable=”true” centered=”false” image=”http://furnishingsanddesign.ua.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/45/2020/07/camellia-1024×768.jpg”]
The first phase of the project is scheduled to begin in May 2019. Our goal is to have a renovated building that provides modern, efficient study space for our students and addresses all of the infrastructure needs of the building.
[ua_image_boxes title=”First look at ‘new’ Rhoads Stadium” url=”https://www.tuscaloosanews.com/news/20200221/tournament-gives-first-look-at-new-rhoads-stadium+” alt_text=”The expansion at Rhoads Stadium” bg_color=”” type=”horizontal” bordered=”true” clickable=”true” centered=”false” image=”https://furnishingsanddesign.ua.edu/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/Rhoads.jpg”]
Rhoads Stadium, built in 2000, had more than $3 million worth of renovations in the off-season including improvements to stadium’s press box and the team’s clubhouse as well as the additional concessions sites and more.
[ua_image_boxes title=”Softball Team Tours Renovated Clubhouse” url=”https://www.tuscaloosanews.com/news/20200201/softball-team-tours-renovated-clubhouse” alt_text=”Renovated Clubhouse” bg_color=”” type=”horizontal” bordered=”true” clickable=”true” centered=”false” image=”http://furnishingsanddesign.ua.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/45/2020/07/1807001_JH_016_Map.jpg”]
Players on the 2020 team toured the stadium’s renovated clubhouse and lounge. The renovation updated finishes in the rooms and added two lockers, along with new partitions and doors in the showers and restrooms.
[ua_image_boxes title=”Rhoads Stadium” url=”https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=2473104656337393″ alt_text=”Rhoads Stadium celebrates 20th season with renovations” bg_color=”” type=”horizontal” bordered=”true” clickable=”true” centered=”false” image=”https://furnishingsanddesign.ua.edu/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/120759_JH_111_Campus.jpg”]
Rhoads Stadium celebrates its 20th season as the home of Alabama softball with improvements including a new clubhouse, new bullpens & a new concourse for fans to enjoy. Watch as the 2019 softball team views the newly renovated clubhouse for the first time.
[ua_image_boxes title=”UA’s RISE Center Breaks Ground on Upcoming Addition” url=”https://www.ua.edu/news/2019/10/uas-rise-center-breaks-ground-on-upcoming-addition/” alt_text=”Dr. Stuart Usdan, Andi Gillen, Dana Garmany and Gene Stallings break ground on the upcoming sensory suite.” bg_color=”” type=”horizontal” bordered=”true” clickable=”true” centered=”false” image=”http://furnishingsanddesign.ua.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/45/2020/07/RISE-Groundbreaking-768×512.jpg”]
The University of Alabama’s RISE Center hosted a groundbreaking ceremony today for an addition that will house a state-of-the-art sensory suite.[/ua_image_boxes]
[ua_image_boxes title=”The EDGE Story” url=”https://edge.culverhouse.ua.edu/about/our-story/” alt_text=”oshua Sahib, EDGE business development manager, left, discusses sponsorship opportunities with Katie Howard and Matthew Studer, right, in The EDGE’s conference room.” bg_color=”” type=”horizontal” bordered=”true” clickable=”true” centered=”false” image=”https://furnishingsanddesign.ua.edu/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/edge-conference.jpg”]
The EDGE is a 26,000 square-foot business incubator and innovation space for entrepreneurs that provides a place to work and meet for the Tuscaloosa entrepreneur and freelancer community and entrepreneurial-minded students at The University of Alabama and other regional institutions.
[ua_image_boxes title=”Tuscaloosa-Area Business Incubator” url=”https://www.ua.edu/news/2019/01/tuscaloosa-area-business-incubator-accelerator-to-open-feb-6/” alt_text=”A collaboration between UA, the City of Tuscaloosa and the Chamber of Commerce of West Alabama, The EDGE is both a workspace and a catalyst for business networking.” bg_color=”” type=”horizontal” bordered=”true” clickable=”true” centered=”false” image=”https://furnishingsanddesign.ua.edu/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/EDGE.jpg”]
The EDGE, a high-tech facility designed to support entrepreneurial collaboration and innovation in west Alabama, will have its grand opening Wednesday, Feb. 6.
[ua_image_boxes title=”UA Celebrates the Unveiling of H.M. Comer” url=”https://www.ua.edu/news/2018/09/ua-celebrates-the-unveiling-of-h-m-comer/” alt_text=”Renovations to H.M. Comer Hall were completed August 2018.” bg_color=”” type=”horizontal” bordered=”true” clickable=”true” centered=”false” image=”https://furnishingsanddesign.ua.edu/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/1808021_BH_004_HM_Comer_renovations-1.jpg”]
Due to the College of Engineering’s continuous growth, there was a need for a unified space to better support students, faculty and staff. The updated facility offers a centralized space for the College’s administrative offices, student services and external affairs and development.
[ua_image_boxes title=”AUID Conference 2016″ url=”http://furnishingsanddesign.ua.edu/2017/01/05/auid-conference-2016/” alt_text=”Northlawn Hall Design Installation” bg_color=”” type=”horizontal” bordered=”true” clickable=”true” centered=”” image=”https://furnishingsanddesign.ua.edu/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/AUID-Conference-2016_Northlawn-Hall2_TEST.jpg”]
The University of Alabama was recently represented at the AUID Annual Conference for the first time in several years. Michael Hand was awarded a 2nd Place for New Construction in the 2016 Design Competition for his work on North Lawn Hall. [/ua_image_boxes]